Friday, December 26, 2008

Seeing gifts on Christmas morning
Lizzy as a princess/fairy/ballarina
Andrew's 'bakulville" as he calls it
There is nothing like Christmas morning-
All the toys under the tree

Andrew was the "Yule Log Boy" for the Boar's Head Festival at our church-he was hoisted onto a log and rode it around the church
Elfish woodman
Standing with Sprite
Do you notice something different?
Note big tufts of hair on the floor....
Yes, you guessed it- Andrew cut his hair!!!
Nothing like the look of shame after Mamma got a hold of him-
sleeping baby 6 months old

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas cookies for Andrew's school party-the kids eagerly helped make them
Always the detailed one, Andrew arranged his shoes in hos room.
I had to take a pic of his bed....He made it up all by himself!
The crew in pajamas
Other toys at Sutherland Station
The kids took a trip to Sutherland Station to see the model trains- Andrew fell in love and has not stopped begging for one
Found this random photo and really like it, must have been taken this Fall

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Look but don't eat!
She is mobile now in the walker-
The kids sitting in the lap of "Christmas Past" ghost after "A Christmas Carol" performance at Fantasy House Theater- Lizzy was enthralled with her!
At Santa's village downtown-no pics of the kids in Santa's Lap, the camera ran out of juice right as we were trying to take a picture...oh, well its the memory that counts-