Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lizzie singing in church
Its Christmas Time!!

on the Santa Train
Elizabeth sees Santa coming
how happy he is....although, he did ask Daddy, "His beard is sewn on, see?"

Eating snow
Snow !!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

neighbor's halloween par-tay

cave people
Lizzy singing in church choir

neighbors on halloween
more birthday party
all concentrating on making edible bracelets
Elizabeth's birthday cake

Baby pretending for effect
in the corn
friend Matt with Andrew
Elizabeth coloring in her favorite outfit

pucker up!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lizzy in her layered clothes
Elizabeth decided to layer her clothes- 4 pairs of pants, 5 tops-
The entrance into Cathedral Caverns- the largest caverns in the world in Grant, AL

Recent trip to the botanical gardens to see the Raptor Show- here is a bald eagle whose wing was shot off- there were also hawks, owls and buzzards-the kids loved it
Fantasy Playhouse's productions of "Alice in Wonderland"- the kids here with the caterpillar
The Cheshire Cat-
and Alice herself!