Thursday, April 30, 2009

Andrew's class party- 5 years old!

Frogs in the water cupcakes

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Pictures

Fantasy House theater performance- pics with the princess
getting autographs after seeing The Princess and the Pea at FPT

more Easter pics
Grandmother, kids, and a mumu
Easter Sunday
Edible Rabbit house
Catherine taking a bath in sink at Grandmother's

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

sideways video of Catherine by Joey, not me-

veggin' - laying like broccoli

catching bubbles

Elizabeth upset because the eggs didnt have candy in them, and she bumped her head on the bird bath
still upset and refusing to participate in family fun
Hunting eggs the Easter Bunny left in the backyard

sleepy heads

Edible Easter bunny house

Easter 2009

The kids with their "booty"
Lizzy in action
mad dash
Reading with Grandmother

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Catherine playing peek-a -boo at 9 months
Andrew puttin' on a show-
Palm Sunday poses

Andrew and Elizabeth at Grandmother's farm enjoying the pond life-
Slimy frog eggs!!
Bull Frog tadpole- much larger than "regular" tadpoles
See the tiny black tadpoles?
Catherine on Andrew's back- she loves to be near her siblings!