Monday, December 27, 2010

We were Festive

More Snow Pics

Lizzy's performance at school

Sisterly role -reversal

All I want for Christmas.....

Santa in Monroeville and Great Paw-Paw

                                             He's 90!

Trip to Atlanta Aquarium

2010 White Christmas

We were Festive

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

             Its Christmas time-

Monday, November 1, 2010

                                  Last of the Gerber daisies
                                  Setup for Lizzy's 5th birthday!

                                 1st gift from Grandma
                                 Happy Birthday!
                                  Candycorn Cake

                                 The crew
                                pulling the pinata strings

                                 Lizzy preparing to be levitated at magic show

                                taking a bow
                                 Even Grandma participated