Monday, August 30, 2010

What have I done?
Can you believe this?
Mommy's lipstick
Taken by Andrew
So big!
and asleep.....
Catherine and Elizabeth at a princess birthday party
All the princesses

1st soccer game of the season 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Miss Priss
Andrew's first day of school in first grade!!
What a big boy-
Pictures around the house

Trip to Fernbank museum in Atlanta
science room

Gecko sounds
Prehistoric Sloth replica- 6,000 pds!

beautiful arrangement outside grounds
Entrance with impending thunderstorm
2010 Mom and Me Camp at Camp Sumatunga

Me, Robin, Andrew, and good friend Alex
Making a name-tag for camp
Canoe canoe?
Robin at the Helm(that is the front, right?)
beautiful views from canoe
playing in the creek
on a bridge

At camp with playmates
roasting smores- he didnt like them! so guess who ate all 4?...