Monday, November 1, 2010

                                  Last of the Gerber daisies
                                  Setup for Lizzy's 5th birthday!

                                 1st gift from Grandma
                                 Happy Birthday!
                                  Candycorn Cake

                                 The crew
                                pulling the pinata strings

                                 Lizzy preparing to be levitated at magic show

                                taking a bow
                                 Even Grandma participated

Fun with the kids

                                        Girls eating tomatoes out of Jerry's garden yum!
                                    choppin' veggies for zucchini bake

                                  candy spiders for Elizabeth's class celebrating her 5th birthday!

                                 Do they look alike to you?

october stuff

                                           kids carving pumpkin gooey seeds

                                                     Ms. Bumblebee
                                          Auburn cheerleader, bumblebee and black spiderman

                                  neighbor Wyatt in middle

                                 check out the stinger

                                  nothing can scare this girl

                                 the Booty