Sunday, December 23, 2012

Aunt Jennifer and cousin Allison visiting

  Lizzy won 4th place in k-2 division for the "reflections" contest

  Miss Priss
  Making christmas cookies
  yet again, trying to get a pic, and Catherine being non-compliant

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thanksgiving and more 2012

 Andrew and his new glasses- lookin good!

    5 months old

   Scallops and shrimp for Thanksgiving
  Yum! Grandma made this

  In Grandma's arms
  Aunt Jennifer feeding the Babe

  a pic with cousin Allison age 13

   Lizzy won 4th for "reflections" poster

Monday, November 12, 2012

Holiday photos and more

   After church photos

   Suzanna- "huh? what's goin on?".....Catherine- "I want this an this an this...."