Friday, October 31, 2008

So yesterday Andrew did not get a nap. This results in a slow self-destruction for dear Andrew. He slowly becomes less coordinated, and the following events often take place: First, he fell forehead first onto the porch when trying to step out of the wagon, giving himself a nice "goose egg". He then did a complete flip head over heels off the sofa slamming his somewhat oversized head onto the hardwood floors (mind you, he was being supervised the entire time..I guess we need a padded room and a helmet), and last but not least, while we were hanging up the black spider on the porch for Halloween, Andrew turned to go inside, thinking the glass door was not there, and slammed his entire body on the glass. All these events occurred within a 2 hour time frame. It was at that moment we decided to send his tush to bed before he killed himself. Gotta love him.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Those cheeks are so kissable!
Grandma and Catherine
All three little squirts
Happy 3rd Birthday Lizzy Boo!

Monday, October 20, 2008

A family pic at the Liz Hurley Ribbon Run for Breast Cancer
The Downs with Liz Hurley-breast cancer survivor and local
news anchor

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Andrew's preschool class on a field trip to Botanical Gardens
Look at all the boys!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Today, Andrew was playing outside with his sister, when to his amazement, he spotted an airplane flying above our house. He proceeded to wave his hands in the air shouting "Help me!" "Help me!" followed by "Save us!!"...of course Elizabeth began to chant along with is fitting that he imagines himself a prisoner in our home....
Cooking in the kitchen
Andrew taking pics with the Geese from Charlotte's Web performance
Wilbur the Pig
Templeton the rat

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Well, Andrew is always saying interesting things, as do most children, so I thought I would write some of it down. Just the other day, Andrew asked, "When it is nighttime here, is it night all over the world?"- well, I thought this was an excellent question for a 4 -year- old to ask, and it was a pleasure to explain the answer to whilst I was reveling in my child's creative thinking abilities, he posited yet another inquiry to me, "Mama, what are fish guts?"....much less rewarding to explain that one.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Huge catfish-it hissed at me!
The kids looking for crawdads in dry creek bed at the park

This young boy caught a huge catfish at the park pond- we happened to be there and took a picture- it was HUGE!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Andrew and friend Alex at Space/Rocket Center
Smiling into the sun
Papi holding Catherine
Papi, Joey and kids
Lets golf!
A Mother in the making

Little man!
Space and Rocket Center
Future scientist