Friday, October 31, 2008

So yesterday Andrew did not get a nap. This results in a slow self-destruction for dear Andrew. He slowly becomes less coordinated, and the following events often take place: First, he fell forehead first onto the porch when trying to step out of the wagon, giving himself a nice "goose egg". He then did a complete flip head over heels off the sofa slamming his somewhat oversized head onto the hardwood floors (mind you, he was being supervised the entire time..I guess we need a padded room and a helmet), and last but not least, while we were hanging up the black spider on the porch for Halloween, Andrew turned to go inside, thinking the glass door was not there, and slammed his entire body on the glass. All these events occurred within a 2 hour time frame. It was at that moment we decided to send his tush to bed before he killed himself. Gotta love him.